Far Away - - Museum of Decorative Applied Art

Far Away
- 8 April 2001

(Decorative lietiskas maklas muzejs, Riga)

Medverkande: Inger Bergström, Anna-Lena Carlsson, Annelie Enojärvi, Tarika Lennerbjörk, Eva Mozard, Lotte Nilsson-Välimaa, Gunnel Pettersson, Lena Stenberg och Katarina Wiklund.

Far Away 2001

How far away are we?

The title alludes to the journey to Riga and the Museum of Decorative Applied Art that the artist will make. Looking for contact, new insights, and for a new audience. All of them were educated at the textile department at Konstfack, University Collage of Fine Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm between 1988 - 1997. The exhibition is based on sculptural textile art.

The association FAS Fiber Art Sweden was formed1998 as a forum for contemporary textile art. FAS purpose is to create contacts and to circulate information, to work with exhibitions in Sweden and internationally, to watch over and debate questions concerning the area.

The expression "fiber art" signifies a freer handling of fibre. A more extensive meaning of textile, beyond the expectations as for example tapestry and embroidery. The choice of name is dependent of the fact that "fiber art" is internationally established as artgenre.

We wish to thank the Swedish Institute for their support.